INTRODUCTION: Hand and Upper limb pseudoaneurysms are uncommon and misdiagnosed. The delayed diagnostic and treatment lead to severe vascular and nerve complications. Many mechanisms are involved like acute injury, chronic micro traumatism of the hand, with specific clinic and para clinic signs. PRESENTATION OF CASE: The patient was a 30-years old woman, right-handed, admitted at the emergencies for a penetrating hand injury at the junction of the middle third - distal third of the left forearm, palmar surface, with a good radial and ulnar pulse, without sensory or motor deficit. No vessels injuries observed per operatively. A post-operative worsened pain opposite to the scar with a purplish pulsatile swelling appeared after 20 days of complete wound healing. A needle puncture with a red blood contain, motivated an US Doppler revealing a pseudoaneurysm of a superficial artery of the ulnar artery, surgically resected, without complication. DISCUSSION: Two main mechanisms are involved in upper limb especially hand pseudoaneurysm: penetrating trauma and repeated micro traumatism. Superficial vessels are rarely damaged compare to deep subfascial vessels according to Laplace law. The diagnostic is clinical confirmed with the medical imaging. A pseudoaneurysm is suspected in front of a pulsatile painful tumefaction following a vessel path, with medical imaging in favor. A delayed misdiagnosis lead to a delayed care with severe complications as thrombosis, embolism and vessel. The therapeutic care is mainly surgical. CONCLUSION: This case reports a delayed diagnostic of posttraumatic pseudoaneurysm of a superficial branch of the ulnar artery, managed with a surgical resection. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IJS Publishing Group Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (