Delay of gratification in young children has been linked to long-term behavioral and academic outcomes. This study explored temperament, personality, and child-parent attachment as possible associates of delay ability. The sample consisted of 50 2- and 3-year-old children and their primary caregivers. Two laboratory tasks, the Preschool Strange Situation and the newly created Gift Delay Task, were conducted on separate occasions to assess child-parent attachment and delay of gratification, respectively. Parents and preschool teachers completed child temperament (EASI-III) and personality (California Child Q-Set) questionnaires. Based on the award-oriented behavior in the Gift Delay Task, children were classified into three groups: Delay (20 %), Touch and Go (i.e., approached the gift, but demonstrated some delay ability; 46 %), and Non Delay (34 %). Reports on activity, impulsivity, decision time, negative emotionality, over-control, and affect were found to be associated with delay ability. The association between child-parent attachment and delay was not statistically significant, but an interesting trend emerged. A larger percentage of Non Delayers were rated as Insecure-Ambivalent ("C"), and more Delayers were rated as Securely attached ("B"). Implications for behavioral interventions focused on parental support and scaffolding are discussed.