Introduction: The state of Wyoming, like other western United States, is characterized by mountainous terrain. Such terrain is well noted for its severe downgrades and difficult geometry. Given the specific challenges of driving in such difficult terrain, crashes with severe injuries are bound to occur. The literature is replete with research about factors that influence crash injury severity under different conditions. Differences in geometric characteristics of downgrades and mechanics of vehicle operations on such sections mean different factors may be at play in impacting crash severity in contrast to straight, level roadway sections. However, the impact of downgrades on injury severity has not been fully explored in the literature. This study is thus an attempt to fill this research gap. In this paper, an investigation was carried out to determine the influencing factors of crash injury severities of downgrade crashes. Method: Due to the ordered nature of the response variable, the ordered logit model was chosen to investigate the influencing factors of crash injury severities of downgrade crashes. The model was calibrated separately for single and multiple-vehicle crashes to ensure the different factors influencing both types of crashes were captured. Results: The parameter estimates were as expected and mostly had signs consistent with engineering intuition. The results of the ordered model for single-vehicle crashes indicated that alcohol, gender, road condition, vehicle type, point of impact, vehicle maneuver, safety equipment use, driver action, and annual average daily traffic (AADT) per lane all impacted the injury severity of downgrade crashes. Safety equipment use, lighting conditions, posted speed limit, and lane width were also found to be significant factors influencing multiple-vehicle downgrade crashes. Injury severity probability plots were included as part of the study to provide a pictorial representation of how some of the variables change in response to each level of crash injury severity. Conclusion: Overall, this study provides insights into contributory factors of downgrade crashes. The literature review indicated that there are substantial differences between single- and multiple vehicle crashes. This was confirmed by the analysis which showed that mostly, separate factors impacted the crash injury severity of the two crash types. Practical applications: The results of this study could be used by policy makers, in other locations, to reduce downgrade crashes in mountainous areas. Published by Elsevier Ltd.