Previous studies of peptide separation by normal-phase liquid chromatography have shown a linear relationship between the logarithm of the capacity factor and the logarithm of the volume fraction of modifier in the mobile phase. This permitted the use of a model to predict isocratic and gradient retention times based on data obtained by two initial gradient runs. In the present study, chromatographic behavior of 25 peptides in normal-phase liquid chromatography with isocratic elution have been studied and a linear relationship between the slope (S) and intercept [log k(0)] was obtained. This relationship was combined with the algorithm of prediction reported in the previous paper. The prediction of peptide retention times with only a single experimental gradient retention data was investigated. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.
Tosoh Corp, Tokyo Res Ctr, Sci Instrument Div, Ayase, Kanagawa 2521123, JapanTosoh Corp, Tokyo Res Ctr, Sci Instrument Div, Ayase, Kanagawa 2521123, Japan
Tosoh Corp, Tokyo Res Ctr, Sci Instruments Div, Ayase, Kanagawa 2521123, JapanTosoh Corp, Tokyo Res Ctr, Sci Instruments Div, Ayase, Kanagawa 2521123, Japan