Onboard transit systems are commonly used for commutes to and from home, work and other destinations. However, this is generally not productive time with commuters often gazing out of the window. Other systems have proposed a solution to this problem however, they are offline and would require each device on each vehicle to be updated manually. In this paper, we present an onboard educational Wi-Fi system that offers educational content which can be updated remotely as well as free internet access to particular commuters. Also, specific users can be allowed to browse the internet by connecting wirelessly while onboard. Additionally, Edu-Bus can be used as an educational tool, requiring persons to watch an educational video or read some educational content before gaining access to Edu-Bus services such as free Wi-Fi. Our system uses a Raspberry Pi which is converted into a wireless hotspot, as well as an optional USB or Wi-Fi modem to connect to the 3G/4G provider. Additionally, Edu-Bus can be powered directly from an adapter using the vehicle's cigarette lighter outlet or temporarily from its internal battery. We implemented this work on-board a fleet of four (4) buses at the University of The West Indies Cave Hill Campus. We analyzed student connections to the system generated by user activities. Our approach to this problem not only makes Edu-Bus extendable but also introduces the ability to deploy similar systems on varying vehicle types and modes of transportation.