Objective: The objective of this research was to propose an integrative model of consumer brand engagement in social media, with its antecedents and consequents, analyzing how engagement, together with positive online word of mouth, affect the purchase intention of the consumers in these environments. Method: A survey research with social media users has been developed. For the execution of the validation tests of the measurement models and the proposed structural model, Smart PLS-SEM 3.0 software was used. Originality/Relevance: The research focused on the most recurring motivations in the literature on consumer brand engagement in social media - self-expression, socializing and obtaining information , as well as examining the role of positive online word of mouth, as a result and an collaborator of consumer brand engagement for the purchase intention of consumers in those environments. Results: The proposed theoretical hypotheses were confirmed that the motivations personal expression, socialization and obtaining information positively impact on consumer brand engagement. Besides, it was found that consumer brand engagement influence the positive online word of mouth and purchase intention. In addition, the results indicate that consumer brand engagement and positive online word of mouth may exert a mediating effect on the relationship between motivations and purchase intention. Theoretical/methodological contributions: This work contributes to the theoretical development of consumer brand engagement in social media by empirically testing an integrative model that provides a better understanding of its process. Managerial/social contributions: Managerially, the survey provides guidance for building strategies that lead to increased consumer brand engagement in social media, as well as online recommendation and brand purchase intent. Socially, the study highlights the new forms of relationship of individuals with the brand, due to the need to socialize with their peers, express their personality and obtain information through social media.