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- [1] Recommendations on generic names competing for use in Leotiomycetes (Ascomycota)[J]. IMA Fungus, 2014, 5 : 91 - 120Peter R. Johnston论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Research,Biodiversity (Mycology and Microbiology)Keith A. Seifert论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Research,Biodiversity (Mycology and Microbiology)Jeffrey K. Stone论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Research,Biodiversity (Mycology and Microbiology)Amy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Research,Biodiversity (Mycology and Microbiology)Ludmila Marvanová论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Research,Biodiversity (Mycology and Microbiology)
- [2] Overlooked competing asexual and sexually typified generic names of Ascomycota with recommendations for their use or protection[J]. IMA FUNGUS, 2016, 7 (02) : 289 - 308Rossman, Amy Y.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAAllen, W. Cavan论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: ARS, Systemat Mycol & Microbiol Lab, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USABraun, Uwe论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Martin Luther Univ Halle Wittenberg, Inst Biol, Dept Geobot & Bot Garden, Herbarium, Neuwerk 21, D-06099 Halle, Saale, Germany Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USACastlebury, Lisa A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: ARS, Systemat Mycol & Microbiol Lab, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAChaverri, Priscila论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Maryland, Dept Plant Sci & Landscape Architecture, College Pk, MD 20742 USA Univ Costa Rica, Escuela Biol, San Pedro San Jose, Costa Rica Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USACrous, Pedro W.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Ctr, POB 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, Netherlands Univ Pretoria, Dept Microbiol & Plant Pathol, FABI, ZA-0002 Pretoria, South Africa Univ Utrecht, Dept Biol, Microbiol, Padualaan 8, NL-3584 CH Utrecht, Netherlands Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAHawksworth, David L.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Complutense, Fac Farm, Dept Biol Vegetal 2, Plaza Ramon & Cajal S-N, E-28040 Madrid, Spain Nat Hist Museum, Dept Life Sci, Cromwell Rd, London SW7 5BD, England Royal Bot Gardens, Comparat Plant & Fungal Biol, Richmond TW9 3DS, Surrey, England Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAHyde, Kevin D.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Mae Fah Luang Univ, Sch Sci, Ctr Excellence Fungal Res, Chiang Rai 57100, Thailand Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAJohnston, Peter论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Landcare Res, Private Bag 92170, Auckland 1142, New Zealand Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USALombard, Lorenzo论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Ctr, POB 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, Netherlands Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USARomberg, Megan论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: APHIS Natl Identificat Serv, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USASamson, Rob A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Ctr, POB 85167, NL-3508 AD Utrecht, Netherlands Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USASeifert, Keith A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Agr & Agri Food Canada, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, Biodivers Mycol & Microbiol, 960 Carling Ave, Ottawa, ON K1A 0C6, Canada Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAStone, Jeffrey K.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAUdayanga, Dhanushka论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: ARS, Systemat Mycol & Microbiol Lab, USDA, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAWhite, James F.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Rutgers State Univ, Dept Plant Biol & Pathol, 59 Dudley Rd, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA
- [3] Overlooked competing asexual and sexually typified generic names of Ascomycota with recommendations for their use or protection[J]. IMA Fungus, 2016, 7 : 289 - 308Amy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyW. Cavan Allen论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyUwe Braun论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLisa A. Castlebury论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPriscila Chaverri论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPedro W. Crous论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDavid L. Hawksworth论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyKevin D. Hyde论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPeter Johnston论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLorenzo Lombard论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMegan Romberg论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyRob A. Samson论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyKeith A. Seifert论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyJeffrey K. Stone论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDhanushka Udayanga论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyJames F. White论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
- [4] Recommendations of generic names in Diaporthales competing for protection or use[J]. IMA FUNGUS, 2015, 6 (01) : 145 - 154Rossman, Amy Y.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAAdams, Gerard C.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Nebraska, Dept Plant Pathol, Lincoln, NE 68503 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USACannon, Paul F.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Royal Bot Gardens, Surrey TW9 3AB, England Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USACastlebury, Lisa A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: USDA ARS, Systemat Mycol & Microbiol Lab, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USACrous, Pedro W.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: CBS KNAW Fungal Biodivers Inst, NL-3584 CT Utrecht, Netherlands Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA论文数: | 引用数: | h-index: |机构:Jaklitsch, Walter M.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Vienna, Dept Bot & Biodivers Res, Div Systemat & Evolutionary Bot, A-1030 Vienna, Austria BOKU Univ Nat Resources & Life Sci, Dept Forest & Soil Sci, Inst Forest Entomol Forest Pathol & Forest, A-1190 Vienna, Austria Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAMejia, Luis C.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Inst Sci Res & High Technol Serv INDICASAT AIP, Ctr Cellular & Mol Biol Dis, Panama City, Panama Smithsonian Trop Res Inst, Balboa, Panama Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAStoykov, Dmitar论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Bulgarian Acad Sci, Inst Biodivers & Ecosyst Res, Dept Plant & Fungal Divers & Resources, Sofia 113, Bulgaria Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAUdayanga, Dhanushka论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: USDA ARS, Systemat Mycol & Microbiol Lab, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAVoglmayr, Hermann论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Vienna, Dept Bot & Biodivers Res, Div Systemat & Evolutionary Bot, A-1030 Vienna, Austria Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USAWalker, Donald M.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Findlay Univ, Dept Nat Sci, Findlay, OH 45840 USA Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA
- [5] Recommendations of generic names in Diaporthales competing for protection or use[J]. IMA Fungus, 2015, 6 : 145 - 154Amy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyGerard C. Adams论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPaul F. Cannon论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLisa A. Castlebury论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPedro W. Crous论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMarieka Gryzenhout论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyWalter M. Jaklitsch论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLuis C. Mejia论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDmitar Stoykov论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDhanushka Udayanga论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyHermann Voglmayr论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDonald M. Walker论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State University,Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
- [6] Competing sexual-asexual generic names of Pezizomycetes and recommendations for use[J]. IMA Fungus, 2016, 7 : 285 - 288Roseanne Healy论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: University of Florida,Department of Plant PathologyDonald H. Pfister论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: University of Florida,Department of Plant PathologyAmy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: University of Florida,Department of Plant PathologyLudmila Marvanová论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: University of Florida,Department of Plant PathologyKaren Hansen论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: University of Florida,Department of Plant Pathology
- [7] Competing sexual-asexual generic names of Pezizomycetes and recommendations for use[J]. IMA FUNGUS, 2016, 7 (02) : 285 - 288Healy, Roseanne论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USA Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USAPfister, Donald H.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Harvard Univ, Harvard Univ Herbaria, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USARossman, Amy Y.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97330 USA Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USAMarvanova, Ludmila论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Masaryk Univ, Inst Expt Biol, Czech Collect Microorganisms, Brno 62500, Czech Republic Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USAHansen, Karen论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Swedish Museum Nat Hist, Dept Bot, POB 50007, SE-10405 Stockholm, Sweden Univ Florida, Dept Plant Pathol, Gainesville, FL 32607 USA
- [8] Competing sexual-asexual generic names in Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota) with recommendations for use[J]. IMA FUNGUS, 2021, 12 (01)Stalpers, Joost A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaRedhead, Scott A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, Canada Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaMay, Tom W.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Royal Bot Gardens Victoria, 100 Birdwood Ave, Melbourne, Vic 3004, Australia Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaRossman, Amy Y.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Oregon State Univ, Dept Bot & Plant Pathol, Corvallis, OR 97331 USA Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaCrouch, Jo Anne论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: USDA ARS, Mycol & Nematol Genet Divers & Biol Lab, Beltsville, MD 20705 USA Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaCubeta, Marc A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: North Carolina State Univ, Dept Entomol & Plant Pathol, Raleigh, NC 27606 USA Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaDai, Yu-Cheng论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Beijing Forestry Univ, Beijing Adv Innovat Ctr Tree Breeding Mol Design, Beijing, Peoples R China Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, Canada论文数: | 引用数: | h-index: |机构:Langer, Gitta Jutta论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Northwest German Forest Res Inst NW FVA, Dept Forest Protect, D-37079 Gottingen, Lower Saxony, Germany Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, Canada论文数: | 引用数: | h-index: |机构:Mack, Jonathan论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, Canada Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaNorvell, Lorelei L.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Pacific Northwest Mycol Serv, Portland, OR 97229 USA Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaOberwinkler, Franz论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Tubingen, Bot Inst, Lehrstuhl Spezielle Bot & Mykol, Morgenstelle 1, D-72076 Tubingen, Germany Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaPapp, Viktor论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Hungarian Univ Agr & Life Sci, Inst Agron, Dept Bot, Budapest, Hungary Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaRoberts, Peter论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaRajchenberg, Mario论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ctr Forestal CIEFAP, CC 14, RA-9200 Esquel, Chubut, Argentina Natl Res Council Argentina CONICET, Buenos Aires, DF, Argentina Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaSeifert, Keith A.论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Carlton Univ, Dept Biol, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6, Canada Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, CanadaThorn, R. Greg论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Univ Western Ontario, Dept Biol, London, ON N6A 5B7, Canada Agr & Agri Food Canada, Sci & Technol Branch, Ottawa Res & Dev Ctr, CEF, Ottawa, ON K1A OC6, Canada
- [9] Competing sexual and asexual generic names in Pucciniomycotina and Ustilaginomycotina (Basidiomycota) and recommendations for use[J]. IMA Fungus, 2018, 9 : 75 - 89M. Catherine Aime论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLisa A. Castlebury论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMehrdad Abbasi论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyDominik Begerow论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyReinhard Berndt论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyRoland Kirschner论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLudmila Marvanová论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyYoshitaka Ono论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMahajabeen Padamsee论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMarkus Scholler论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMarco Thines论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyAmy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Purdue University,Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
- [10] Competing sexual-asexual generic names in Agaricomycotina (Basidiomycota) with recommendations for use[J]. IMA Fungus, 12Joost A. Stalpers论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyScott A. Redhead论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyTom W. May论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyAmy Y. Rossman论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyJo Anne Crouch论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMarc A. Cubeta论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyYu-Cheng Dai论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyRoland Kirschner论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyGitta Jutta Langer论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyKarl-Henrik Larsson论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyJonathan Mack论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyLorelei L. Norvell论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyFranz Oberwinkler论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyViktor Papp论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyPeter Roberts论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyMario Rajchenberg论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyKeith A. Seifert论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant PathologyR. Greg Thorn论文数: 0| 引用数: 0| h-index: 0|机构: Ottawa Research and Development Centre,Department of Botany and Plant Pathology