For this study, we listened to children who had fled with their families. We made a very conscious decision to focus on accompanied minors who have been displaced, because they go through the standard asylum system with their parent/guardian, which is why they often remain "invisible" as regards their own needs and their specific situation. We gave accompanied children who had fled a space where they could tell their stories and asked them to talk about their memories of their countries of origin, their experiences during their journey and on arrival in Germany, and their lives here, their concerns, but also their hopes and desires. The children presented here come from Afghanistan, Eritrea, Iran, Kosovo, Serbia and Syria. They therefore represent the countries from which people have set out on the always difficult, often life-threatening journey to Germany. And they represent the diversity of experiences of flight and arrival. Those responsible for this study come from various academic disciplines and areas of work. This was important to us in order to focus on the complexity of being a child and a child's everyday life under the conditions experienced while on the run. In view of the vulnerability of children, many challenges are regarded in a different light from previously, for example concerning the organisation of initial reception centres, education and care provisions, medical care, protected spaces and privacy. We want to encourage you to see these spaces, the bureaucratic procedures and coping with everyday life through the eyes of a child.