So far, there exists no general, common method for representing multi-resolution models. These results in that the interoperability and composability of models with different resolutions can't be theoretically or formally asserted to be get. And so the goal of MRM can't be reached. To address this problem, three patterns for MRM based on Base Object Model (BOM) wear put forward. The first one is "Bridge Pattern" to develop various component implementations with different resolution for the same BOM. The second one is "Composite Pattern" based on BOM pattern aggregation. And the third one is "Flyweight Pattern" based on BOM instance aggregation. BOM was extended with an extension component -Attribute Relationship View template, to describe consistency mappings among BOMs at different levels. The mapping function was represented with MathML, which can be inserted into BOM document easily. In simulation the mapping functions in ARV can be modified dynamically till the consistency could meet requirements and goals of modeling. So, common, general patterns for MRM, which can asset the consistencies among models, were set up.