With the appearance of COVID-19, couple relationships have been modified due to the leading role of ICT in the initiation and preservation of affective bonds, however, the inappropriate use of ICT can lead to Cyber dating violence (CDV). Thus, the objective of this research was to analyze this phenomenon and some associated factors in a sample of 230 young Mexicans, where CDV, attachment style and satisfaction with the relationship were evaluated. Based on the analyzes carried out, it was determined that control behaviors committed and suffered were found in the female sample, a relationship of CDV with avoidant and anxious attachment, as well as with satisfaction with the relationship; Likewise, a positive association was determined between the duration of the relationship and the CDV of control committed and suffered. For their part, the men indicated having suffered and perpetrated direct aggression and control, links were also found between the control committed and suffered, and the aggression committed and suffered. In conclusion, the data obtained suggest that Cyber dating violence is a bidirectional phenomenon, which is related to attachment and satisfaction with the relationship.