Beam tests are conducted to investigate the effect of the reinforcement ratio, rho, and the shear span to depth ratio, a/d, on the shear strength of reinforced concrete beams and slabs without stirrups. The a/d ratio is shown to have a very significant effect on shear strength at both low values of a/d (where failure is governed by strut-and-tie mechanisms) and large values of a/d (where failure is governed by breakdown in beam action). Increases in rho associated with increases in a/d such that the strain, or M/rho Vd ratio, is kept constant will result in constant failure shear stresses. Shear design methods that do not account for a/d (e. g., ACI Committee 440) cannot predict the observed experimental behaviour, whereas the general method of the CSA A23.3 code can. Using the ACI 440 equation for V-c may reduce the economic competitiveness of fibre-reinforced polymer reinforcement versus steel reinforcement.