A study was conducted to determine the dietary iron requirement of fingerling Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. During the first 4 weeks of the experiment, fish with an initial weight of 5 g were fed a casein-gelatine-based purified diet which contained 11 mg iron kg(-1). Thereafter duplicate tanks (200 fish in each) were fed the casein-gelatine purified diets containing supplemental iron levels of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60, 100, 200 or 400 mg iron kg(-1) (added as FeSO4 * 7H(2)O) for 12 weeks. Weight gain, body length and mortality were monitored. Liver iron and ascorbic acid concentration were analysed in addition to whole-body iron, manganese and zinc concentration. Several haematological parameters were also measured. There were no significant differences in weight gain and survival of salmon fed diets containing different iron levels. Haematological values, hepatic and whole-body iron concentrations were, however, significantly affected by the dietary iron content. Liver vitamin C concentration decreased with increasing dietary iron levels. Dietary supplementation with iron significantly reduced whole-body manganese, but no effect of dietary iron on whole-body zinc was found. Based on haematology and hepatic iron concentration, the iron requirement of Atlantic salmon was determined to be between 60 and 100 mg iron kg(-1).