The European share of the ITER magnet superconductors includes the supply of around 20 km of Toroidal Field and 7 km of Poloidal Field conductors. This represents 20% and 11% of the total conductor amounts respectively needed for all ITER Toroidal Field (TF) and Poloidal Field (PE) coils. For TF conductor, around 97 tons of superconducting niobium tin strand and 60 tons of copper wire are needed to be purchased, cabled and inserted within a stainless steel jacket tube to form the Cable-In-Conduit-Conductor (CICC). For PF conductor, about 45 tons of superconducting multifilamentary niobium titanium wire need to be cabled and jacketed. Altogether, Fusion for Energy (F4E) placed 4 supply contracts for the European TF and PF coil conductors (one for copper strand, two for niobium tin strand and a single contract for cabling and jacketing). In addition, the PF conductor procurement is based on a hi-lateral agreement with the Russian Federation Domestic Agency (RF DA) where NbTi cables are supplied by RF DA and their jacketing is provided by F4E. In this article, the procurement strategy and the current procurement status are reported for the European contribution of TF and PF conductors.