Predicting the three-dimensional (3D) transport processes of reservoir temperature and pollutants is essential for water environmental protection and restoration, and introducing the lattice Boltzmann (LB) method into this prediction is necessary because of its simple algorithm, straightforward implementation of boundary conditions, and high computation efficiency. In this paper, a triple-distribution function (TDF) LB model for flow-temperature-concentration coupling simulations is introduced. Some essential techniques for implementing this method in 3D reservoirs are also described, including the treatment of water surface fluctuation, the consideration of surface heat exchange, and the hardware acceleration using the graphics processing unit (GPU). Two cases verified the proposed model, and then, the temporal-spatial variations of flow, temperature, and pollutants in the upper reservoir of a pumped-storage power station during both pumping and generating modes were analyzed to demonstrate its applicability. In the reservoir, the water forms several circulations, the cold water from the inlet flows as an undercurrent firstly, and then spread laterally, and the spreading of pollutants directly relates to the flow velocity. The results of flow, temperature, and concentration fields in different working conditions are consistent with model tests and physical laws, which shows good prospects of the proposed LB model.