Iran sits on a region with a high intrinsic level of seismic activity due to its tectonic setting. Through statistical examination of the earthquakes listed in the catalogue from International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), this research attempted to calculate some seismicity factors and find correlation between them. A preliminary analysis indicated changes in the b-value of the Gutenberg-Richter relationship over the study region. Thus, the study area was divided into five zones (Alborz, Zagros, Azerbaijan, Central and East) and b-value was computed for each zone. Considering faulting mechanism styles and the b-values in the region, it was found that the lowest b-values belong to the thrust events and strike-slip faulting earthquakes have intermediate values. These findings support previous studies. Furthermore, results of b-value calculation were used for the estimation of accumulated differential stresses (sigma(1)-sigma(2)) over each zone. Overall, the b-value for Iran is averagely low which signifies the high stress tectonic regime in this region. Also, by having calculated fractal dimension (D) in each zone, a correlation obtained showing that in Iran region, the b-value correlates to fractal dimension by D = 4.2b-2 relation which does not support Aki's (1981) speculation of D = 3b/c.