Territorial appropiation and building a collective identity against eviction from communal land. The case of la mixteca alta World Geopark in Oaxaca, Mexico
World Geopark;
indigenous rights;
Indigenous fight;
D O I:
C [社会科学总论];
03 ;
0303 ;
An actual discussion in Mexico has been the possession of land by the indigenous communities. The article is organized into four sections. The first refers to territorial evictions as a relevant historical process in Latin America due to the dispute over natural resources. In this same section the attention is focused in two cases of the activities developed in two mexican indigenous lands and the importance of the existence of geoparks as an alternative to land possession. The second section analyzes the characteristics of geoparks, their situation in Latin America, particularly in the case of the Mixtec World Geopark (GMA) in Mexico. The third part refers to methodologies that are based on Popular Education. It emphasizes the implementation of workshops as a tool that intends to generate reflection and action on issues such as the defense of the communal land. The final section represents the testimonies of two workshops conducted with GMA guides and their results regarding territorial management and property.