The issue of teachers' pedagogical competence is still topical and significant practical activity to improve performance quality of Latvia education system. Implementation of the education reform during the transition period to the competency-based approach also actualizes the quality of educators' professional performance. Teachers' pedagogical competence manifests itself in diverse professional activities and a constant self-development process. Teachers' professional work is based on their own self-development motivation and learning together with their students. In the publication reflection on teachers' pedagogical work has been actualized and analysed in order to encourage purposeful awareness of their professional identity and improve the culture of pedagogical interaction existing in school practice. Reflection is an important component in the formation of teachers' individualized teaching experience. In the course of theoretical analysis a system of teaching performance assessment criteria and showings has been developed, which enables practising and future educators to implement a purposeful self assessment of their own professionalism based on pedagogical reflection. Goal of the research: on the basis of the analysis of teachers' teaching performance and self-assessment, to characterize their professional development priorities in teaching competence enhancement. Object of the research: enhancement of teachers' pedagogical competence. Subject of the research: achievement analysis and self-assessment of teachers' professional performance based on pedagogical reflections. Basis if the research: 43 practising teachers, who are proceeding with their studies at a higher educational establishment in order to acquire a Master's Degree and an additionally professional qualification. Methods of the research: theoretical analysis (1), content-analysis of the teachers' self-assessment overview and individual development plans (2), qualitative and quantitative analysis of the research data (3), which provides a more profound insight into teachers' pedagogical motivation, daily feelings and professional development goals. The analysis of the research data confirms that a purposeful daily reflection on the learning culture and pedagogical interaction at school, self-development resources and possibilities, as well as professional achievements become a powerful strategy for professional development, enriching and broadening the teacher's pedagogical experience. The publication offers conclusions and proposals for the encouragement of reflection in the pedagogical process. According to the research outcomes, teachers' professional development and growth are promoted by reflection implemented in a qualitative way, self-responsibility and the ability to learn from experience, conceptualizing and creating appropriate solutions for every pedagogical situation. Attaching value and significance to the analysis of daily pedagogical experience is a powerful professional development tool, which combines practice and theory, experience and reflection, promoting teachers' professional development.