For an extensive range of experimental studies one is constantly looking for the way which would shorten our worktime as well as decrease the amount of measurements and at the same time not worsen the credibility of set research assumptions. One way is the method of planning experiments or elaborating a theoretical physico-mathematical model. The authors' team decided to elaborate a new physico-mathematical model, as a work line, which determined the range of optimal values for efficiency and ecology ratio of fuel combustion. While conducting the experimental research the authors' team dealt mainly with the modernization of industrial boilers and heaters to improve their operation ratio in respect of efficiency and ecology. Thanks to the created model the assessment of combustion optimality was performed from the viewpoint of both efficiency and ecology made on the basis of energo-ecological criteria elaborated by the authors. The use of model allowed the authors to considerably decrease the amount of required work mode change of boilers and conducted measurements on real industrial-heating objects. The studies were performed on the real objects of URAN SPB and TERA companies. During the experimental works one examined the influence of quantitive and qualitive ratio of distributing the air into combustion zone as well as boiler power on the emission of CO and NON. The studies were conducted on identical steam boilers DKVR-20-13 equipped with various fan burners: GMGB-5,6, GMGm-5 and GMG-7. The achieved results of experimental research were set with the previously elaborated mathematical model in order to determine the adequacy rate of achieved results (fig. 1-2). The credible approximating dependence that determined the experimental data was made up by the function including the determination coefficient above 0.95. The values of approximating factors for the particular measurements were set in the table (1-4).