Under the collaboration agreement subscribed between the Ministerio de Educacion and the Autonomous Region of Galicia in the year 2007 to develop the Plan of support to the implementation of the Organic Law of Education (LOE) there are established actions aimed at promoting school success and the decrease of the early school dropout. These actions will develop across summons directed to the educational centers or the town council. In this context, the Xunta de Galicia starts for the first time in the year 2008 a program of grants to the town council for the opening of the educational centers out of the school schedule. With this program there is claimed that the students reaches an optimization of the out-of-school times for the development of skills, capacities and social competitions that demands that society demands, at the time that it is promoted the participation of the educational community, these aspects are the key in achieving higher quality training of students and in conciliation between work and family life. This program begin in the year 2006 as a pilot experience in 34 centres of the provinces of Lugo and Pontevedra, spreading in the course 2007-2008 to more than 160 centres of 14 Galician towns council, by means of an agreement signed between the Conselleria de Educacion y Ordenacion Universitaria and the Conselleria de Cultura y Deportes. The grants stress in different lines of action or modalities that, in the year 2010, are the following ones: Modality A: support for improving communication skills. Modality B: strengthening learning through information technology and communication (ICT). Modality C: network of support for educational guidance. Modality D: conciliation of family life in not school periods. To take part in the announcements of grants is essential to develop, on one hand, activities of the modalities A, B and C and optionally of the modality D and, for other hand, to carry out at least an activity for every modality, having as the only receivers to the families, father/mother or legal tutors of the students of the school. Attending to previously exposed, the aim that we seek with this work is to realize an analysis of the implementation and development of this program in the Autonomous Community of Galicia, focusing specially on his evolution in terms of number of users, obtained financing and developed activities.