Forty-eight crossbred steers (296 +/- 5 kg) were used in a 155-day trial to compare the feeding value of steam-flaked triticale (SFT) with steam-flaked corn (SFC). Dietary treatments were: (1) basal finishing diet (BD), (2) 40% BD plus 60% SFT, and (3) 40% BD plus 60% SFC. Substitution of BD with SFT or SFC increased gain efficiency (P<.01), tended to increase average daily gain (ADG) (P=.07) and decrease dry matter intake (P =.11). The derived net energy for maintenance (NEm) and net energy for gain (NEg) values of SFT averaged 2.28 and 1.59 Mcal/kg, respectively. Four steers (442 +/- 28 kg) were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square experiment to determine the effects of replacement of SFC with SFT on digestion. Treatments consisted of a SFC basal diet where SFT replaced 0, 32, 64, and 96% of SFC. Increasing level of SFT decreased total tract digestion of organic matter (OM) (linear component, P=.03), acid detergent fiber (ADF) (linear component, P<.01), and digestible energy (DE) (linear component, P<.01). The replacement DE value for SFT averaged 3.88 Mcal/kg, corresponding to NEm and NEg values of 2.18 and 1.50 Mcal/kg, respectively. It is concluded that the replacement net energy (NE) value of SFT is 92-96% that of SFC.