The most delicate phenomena of the contamination of marine waters are eutrophication, pollution from heavy metals and POPs, overexploitation of aquatic fauna and degradation of coastal zones. The findings reported here are parts of a study to determine the concentration and distribution of organochlorinated pollutants in biota and marine sediments of the Vlora bay. An analytical method combining ultrasonic extraction with treatment with silica gel with 45% sulphuric acid and florisil with 5% water for clean-up procedure was used for biota samples analyses. Clean-up procedure for sediment samples was performing using metallic mercury and florisil column. The organchlorine pesticides detected were HCHs (a-, b-, y- and d-isomers) and the DDT-related chemicals (o, p-DDE, p, p-DDE, p, p-DDD, p, p-DDT). Analysis of PCBs was based on the determination of the seven PCB markers (IUPAC Nos 28, 52, 101, 118, 138, 153 and 180) measured by gas chromatography electron capture detection. The results of surveillance on organochlorine pesticides and indicators of polychlorinated biphenyls are interpreted using PCA statistical method.