We present the results of spectrophotometric observations of the old nova RR Pictoris performed in two spectral ranges, one centered in the Ha line, and other covering H beta and H gamma spectral lines. From the Hb radial velocity study, we found a primary radial semiamplitude of K-1 = 37(1) km s(-1) and a systemic velocity of gamma = 1.8(2) km s(-1). With these new values, a mass diagram is constructed, constraining the possible mass intervals for the system. The possible orbital inclination range was restricted, given the fact that RR Pic presents shallow eclipses. A secondary mass range below the limit of a main-sequence star filling its Roche lobe indicates an evolved companion. We also calculated the H alpha, H beta, H gamma, He I lambda 6678, and He II lambda 4686 Doppler tomograms. The most conspicuous differences are found between the He I and He II tomograms; the former has a ring shape, while the second is filled at low velocities, suggesting that the low-velocity emission is not coming from the accretion disk. Radial emissivity profiles for these lines were also derived.