Effects of inhaled 1,1,1-trichloroethane on locomotor activity in mice. NEUROTOXICOL TERATOL 18(1) 77-81, 1996.-To quantify the motoric effects of an abused solvent, photocells were added to two exposure systems. The first system utilized a static exposure chamber that recirculated vapor-laden air. A second dynamic system allowed for removal of waste gases with replenishment of fresh air combined with test vapors. In the present studies, male mice were examined for effects on locomotor activity following 30-min inhalation exposures to several concentrations of 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCE), a widely used and abused solvent. TCE produced significant increases in locomotor activity at intermediate concentrations. Minimally effective concentrations for activity-increasing effects in the dynamic and static systems were 1,250 ppm and 2,500 ppm, respectively. At higher concentrations, motor activity was decreased with the highest dynamic system concentration (10,000 ppm), resulting in 26% of baseline control values. Biphasic, motor activity increasing and decreasing effects of TCE as a function of exposure concentration may reflect the CNS-depressant drug-like effects of abused solvents.