Purpose: Physicians work increasingly in larger organizations across different health care delivery systems. This systematic review examines the published empirical literature on organizational commitment among physicians within an international context. Design: A systematic, PRISMA-guided review examining studies of organizational commitment among physicians published over time. Four article databases and a combination of appropriate search terms aided in identifying relevant articles. Findings: Key findings include: (a) physicians, regardless of country, personal characteristics, type of job, or place of employment generally have lower levels of organizational commitment than other health care workers; (b) work- and job-related variables, particular age and job satisfaction, shape physicians' organizational commitment; and (c) organizational commitment and the factors that shape it are similar across physicians working in different health systems. Review implications:Organizational commitment should remain central for researchers to study in most health systems internationally. Larger samples, longitudinal research, and greater use of theory are design improvements that will strengthen the extant research. The findings imply that if healthcare organizations create workplaces that make physicians feel in control, do not overwhelm them with work, provide a supportive culture, enhance their ability to give input, and keep them job satisfied, they may gain enhanced organizational commitment. Originality and value:To our knowledge, this is the first review of research examining organizational commitment among physicians. It is a resource for researchers and managers interested in learning more about aligning physician thinking and behavior with health care organizations.