We present a simple, low-cost, temperature- and strain-insensitive long-period gratings (LPGs) written in photonic crystal fibers (PCFs) that can be used as sensitive chemical solution sensors or bend sensors for a variety of industrial applications, including civil engineering, aircraft, chemistry, food industry, and biosensing. Three different configurations of PCFs have been used for this study, including a polarization maintaining PCF, a large mode area PCF and an endlessly single mode PCF. These LPGs have been characterized for their sensitivity to. temperature, strain, bending, and surrounding refractive index. Transmission spectra of the LPGs were found to exhibit negligible temperature and strain sensitivities, whereas possessing usable sensitivity to refractive index and bending. This type of PCF sensor could in principle be designed for optimum sensitivity to desired measurand(s), while minimizing or removing undesirable cross-sensitivities. The unique sensing features of PCFs are particularly suited for a wide variety of applications in smart structures, embedded materials, telecommunications and sensor systems.