Ocean acidification threatens the foundation of tropical coral reefs. This study investigated three aspects of ocean acidification: (i) the rates at which perforate and imperforate coral-colony skeletons passively dissolve when pH is 7.8, which is predicted to occur globally by 2100, (ii) the rates of passive dissolution of corals with respect to coral-colony surface areas, and (iii) the comparative rates of a vertical reef-growth model, incorporating passive dissolution rates, and predicted sea-level rise. By 2100, when the ocean pH is expected to be 7.8, perforate Montipora coral skeletons will lose on average 15 kg CaCO3 m (-2) y(- 1), which is approximately -10.5mm of vertical reduction of reef framework per year. This rate of passive dissolution is higher than the average rate of reef growth over the last several millennia and suggests that reefs composed of perforate Montipora coral skeletons will have trouble keeping up with sea-level rise under ocean acidification. Reefs composed of primarily imperforate coral skeletons will not likely dissolve as rapidly, but our model shows they will also have trouble keeping up with sea-level rise by 2050.
Univ Fed Estado Rio de Janeiro UNIRIO, Dept Ecol & Recursos Marinhos, Ave Pasteur 458 Sala 411, BR-22290240 Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Pernambuco, Dept Zool, Ctr Biociencias, Ave Prof Morais Rego S-N, BR-50670420 Recife, PE, Brazil