Introduction. After several months of COVID-19 lockdown, addressing the implications related to the emo-tional distress and well-being of the population during confinement has become increasingly evident. Objec-tive. To explore, through a lexicometric and content-based approach, the responses related to discomfort and emotional well-being during the first confinement due to the COVID-19 lockdown. Method. Subjects included 2,555 adults in Mexico, mainly women (78.3%), with an average age of 46. Data were drawn from an online survey published on social networks from June 3 to July 5, 2020. The open answers of the subjects about discomfort and emotional well-being during lockdown, together with suggestions to improve the handling of the pandemic, were analyzed using word frequency analysis (clouds) and thematic content analysis. Result. Findings highlighted the implications of lockdown, including loss of social interaction, teleworking and overex-posure to the news, associated with discomfort. In turn, activities related to self-care, doing household repairs, and sharing activities with the family were linked to well-being. Discussion and conclusion. Findings show that time was a key factor to transition from well-being to boredom, where space and material resources played a preponderant role during confinement.