Progesterone receptors play a central role in neuroendocrine and behavioural regulation. To gain insight into the sex- and tissue-specific regulation of progesterone receptors, protein binding on a progesterone receptor-oestrogen response element and mRNA levels for progesterone receptor (PR)-A and PR-B; were compared between female and male rats following oestradiol benzoate replacement treatment in hypothalamic and pituitary tissue. Both male and female pituitary protein extracts demonstrated an increase in nuclear protein binding activity to a progesterone receptor-oestrogen response element following oestradiol benzoate treatment. However, there was a greater difference in total binding activity seen in the female pituitary extracts compared to male pituitary protein extracts. In both cases, reflecting the binding data, oestradiol benzoate pretreatment led to an increase in pituitary PR-B messenger RNA, although this increase was significantly larger in females than in males. Oestradiol benzoate treatment also led to a significant increase in specific binding of hypothalamic nuclear proteins to the progesterone receptor oestrogen response element from both females and male hypothalamic extracts. In addition, PR-B messenger RNA was induced by oestradiol benzoate treatment in the female rat hypothalamus, under circumstances where no PR-A could be detected. The male also demonstrated an increase in PR-B messenger RNA following oestradiol benzoate treatment, with undetectable levels of PR-A, although to a lesser degree than that seen in the female. The predominance of PR-B over PR-A messenger RNA in rat hypothalamus and pituitary, and the quantitative differences between female and male rats, could both contribute to the greater responsiveness of female rats to progesterone with respect to control over luteinizing hormone release from the pituitary, and lordosis behaviour regulated by hypothalamic neurones.