Zhigalev, B. A. [1 ]
Zhigaleva, K. B. [2 ]
[1] Linguist Univ Nizhniy Novgorod, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
[2] Linguist Univ Nizhniy Novgorod, Dept Theory & Practice English Language & Transl, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
teaching foreign languages; linguistic competence formation; teaching pre-school children; system oriented modeling; criteria of the competence formation; the English language; SCHOOL;
H [语言、文字];
05 ;
Due to the political, economic and social changes happening in our country, more possibilities to travel, to get education in other countries and to create beneficial cooperation with foreign partners have appeared lately. That is why today the importance of learning foreign languages is especially realized. The ability to communicate in a foreign language in particular in English is highly valued all over the world. As a result the prestige of professional language education is getting higher, and a proper learning of a foreign language is becoming an integral part of the education. The majority of parents want their children to start learning foreign languages at an early age and in many schools children begin studying a foreign language in the first form. Many courses are offered nowadays and even in nursery schools children have English classes. The analyses of studies concerning the level of development of the brainwork and speech of a child of 5-7 years old showed that the age of five or six is the best for making the first steps in learning a foreign language. It is explained by a certain level of development of the brainwork and speech, that allows to say that a child of this age is prepared for conscious learning of the second language. Many theoretical and practical studies have proved that teaching a foreign language to pre-school children on the basis of integration is the most efficient. It is explained by the peculiarities of the age, by the openness of the children to other cultures, perceptual unity and by a high potential for intellectual development. At the same time the growth of interest to foreign languages has clarified the existence of many questions concerning teaching in general as well as teaching young learners and has made clearer the necessity to change the content of the language education. The creation of new materials intended for the work with children that always requires special knowledge and skills and for preparing teachers for the work has become essential. What is more teaching a foreign language to children does not only mean the development of certain skills of a foreign speech. Nowadays a foreign language is an integral part of a wide program of cultural and language development of a child's personality. Learning a foreign language forms very important skills that are necessary not only in future education but in life in general. It is evident that learning a foreign language at a pre-school age helps social and personal development of a child, it also facilitates the achievement of success in studying including learning his native language and helps the formation of skills of problem solving and creative thinking. Besides positive impact on general child's development the researches of the problem have come across many questions requiring future studying and solving. It has been found out that the goals and tasks of learning a foreign language at a pre-school age are not clearly determined. If we consider the main goal of early teaching a foreign language to be the preparation of a child for acquiring the set of competences in school and for achieving the main goal of learning foreign languages - the formation of the communicative competence, then we have to answer the questions: what kind of skills can and should be formed at a pre-school stage; which competences in a foreign language are possible to form at the age; what could be done to make their formation successful. Though it is obvious that classes of a foreign language should be planned with consideration of creative abilities of children there is no complete system of working with these abilities that could let develop them while studying and let children develop skills in foreign languages successfully. The role of additional materials is not entirely determined; the ways of applying games at classes and the organization of the language material are not fully described. Deciding the question of the course content we should take into account the exact goals and tasks of forming the competences at the pre-school age. That is why it is necessary to determine the notion of "competence" that could be applied to the age, as well as to elaborate the criteria of assessment of the level of formation of the components of different competences. The process of teaching a foreign language to pre-school children differs a lot from teaching pupils or students. We believe that the process of teaching young learners should be organized in a special way with the consideration of the psychophysiological peculiar features of the age. We consider the system-oriented methodological modeling to be an efficient method of studying the problem of organization of the process of teaching a foreign language to pre-school children. The method of modeling plays an important role in the methodology of teaching foreign languages. The subject of modeling the methodology can be pedagogical process, the existing practice of teaching, the problems of teaching foreign languages: goals, programs, age, needs of learners etc. In the present research teaching a foreign language to pre-school children is seen as an integral process, in which the formation of competences is realized together with the achieving of the other goals of teaching. The integral process of teaching a foreign language is considered to be system-oriented which means that this process is aimed to transform the intuitional learning of a foreign language into conscious within the limits of the psychophysiological development of pre-school children. Nowadays the studies in the sphere of methodological modeling let suppose that the scientific conception of methodological modeling has been already formed. Methodology of modeling is based on the ideas of integrality, consistency, entirety and adequateness of the description of well-known pedagogical phenomena in the conditions of uncertainty. The uncertainty is seen as a part of the system of the process of teaching connected with the existence of subjects with their changeability, emotions and the ability to develop their consciousness and activity. One of the most important features of methodological model is its openness which is described in the scientific literature in two main aspects: external openness and internal openness (A.N. Dahin). The internal openness supposes flexible optimal combination of all existing pedagogical, methodological systems, technologies and models that could not be complete separately. The main condition of openness is a "peaceful" co-existence of different pedagogical conceptions (A.G. Asmolov, B.S. Greshunski, E.N. Dmitrieva). External openness is provided by quick reactions of the educational systems to changes of socioeconomic and socio-cultural conditions, by timely fulfillment of the social order and by entering in the world information space. We believe these to be external openness for pedagogical, social and economic innovations. The educational system is considered to be a component of the entire socio-economic and cultural space. The pedagogical model corresponding to the modern state socio-cultural development creates the conditions for open education.
页码:129 / 152
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