This research develops and tests a procedure for interpreting individuals' responses in multiscale career assessments, using the Career Decision-Making Difficulties Questionnaire (CDDQ). In Study 1, criteria for ascertaining the credibility of responses were developed, based on the judgments of 39 career-counseling experts. In Study 2, the proposed estimate of the responses' differentiation was validated, using the judgments of 140 experts. In Study 3, the procedure for assessing the relative salience of the difficulties was developed and validated by the judgments of Study 2 experts. In Study 4, criteria for determining the confidence in the interpretive feedback, and the need to add reservations to the feedback provided, were validated by the judgments of Study 1 experts. In Study 5, the four stages of interpretation were implemented, using English and Hebrew versions of the CDDQ and Internet and paper- and- pencil versions. Implications for the interpretation of other multiscale career-related measures are discussed.