Background and Objectives: Arcobacter species are food-borne and zoonotic enteropathogens. Defined breakpoints for the investigation of antimicrobial resistance of Arcobacter are missing. Materials and Methods: The study was performed to investigate the incidence and antimicrobial resistance of Arcobacter species in animals and poultry meat samples procured from slaughterhouses in Iran. To investigate the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance, samples were collected from cattle (n=100), sheep (n=100), goat (n=100), broiler chicken (n=100), turkey (n=100) and quail (n=100). Arcobacter isolates of meat samples were isolated, investigated by PCR method and antibiotic resistance was also investigated. The susceptibility was assessed by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion. Results: The results showed that 52 samples (8.66%) were positive for Arcobacter spp. The most prevalence were observed in broiler chickens (26%, n=26 samples), quail (13%, n=13 samples), turkey (8%, n=8), cattle (3%, n=3), sheep (1%, n=1) and goat (1%, n=1). Arcobacter butzleri had highest prevalence among Arcobacter species. All the isolates showed sensitivity to gentamicin, streptomycin and tetracycline. Conclusion: Poultry meat is a potential source of infection with Arcobacter that must be considered in slaughterhouses in Iran. Arcobacter species showed sensitivity for a broad spectrum of antibiotics that can be used during infection with Arcobacter species.