Building a Prototype of LHC Analysis Oriented Computing Centers6. Conclusion The ECAL safety systems are based on very solid hardware configurations with extremely long life cycles, avoiding the need for short- to mid-term upgrades. In respect to the PLC codes, there is still room for non-critical improvements and new features, which could be considered during the LHC long shutdown periods. The planning for the coming years should focus on preventive maintenance, periodic health checks and systematic routine tests. The control system provides excellent support and additional protection for the detector operation. While reaching a consolidation phase, it faces several challenges to be kept in-line not only with the new CMS DCS standards, but also to follow the natural evolution of hardware interfaces and software platforms. In addition, new solutions are available and under implementation to overcome existing hardware limitations and to improve the provided services.

Bagliesi, G. [1 ]
Boccali, T. [1 ]
Della Ricca, G. [2 ]
Donvito, G. [3 ,4 ]
Paganoni, M. [5 ]
[1] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Pisa, Pisa, Italy
[2] Univ Trieste, I-34127 Trieste, Italy
[3] Consorzio IGI, Bari, Italy
[4] Ist Nazl Fis Nucl, Sez Bari, Bari, Italy
[5] Univ Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy
O4 [物理学];
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A Consortium between four LHC Computing Centers (Bari, Milano, Pisa and Trieste) has been formed in 2010 to prototype Analysis-oriented facilities for CMS data analysis, profiting from a grant from the Italian Ministry of Research. The Consortium aims to realize an ad-hoc infrastructure to ease the analysis activities on the huge data set collected at the LHC Collider. While "Tier2" Computing Centres, specialized in organized processing tasks like Monte Carlo simulation, are nowadays a well established concept, with years of running experience, site specialized towards end user chaotic analysis activities do not yet have a de-facto standard implementation. In our effort, we focus on all the aspects that can make the analysis tasks easier for a physics user not expert in computing. On the storage side, we are experimenting on storage techniques allowing for remote data access and on storage optimization on the typical analysis access patterns. On the networking side, we are studying the differences between flat and tiered LAN architecture, also using virtual partitioning of the same physical networking for the different use patterns. Finally, on the user side, we are developing tools and instruments to allow for an exhaustive monitoring of their processes at the site, and for an efficient support system in case of problems. We will report about the results of the test executed on different subsystem and give a description of the layout of the infrastructure in place at the site participating to the consortium.