This paper provides several illustrations of the numerous remarkable properties of the lambda extensions of the two-point correlation functions of the Ising model, shedding some light on the non-linear ODEs of the Painleve type they satisfy. We first show that this concept also exists for the factors of the two-point correlation functions focusing, for pedagogical reasons, on two examples, namely C(0,5) and C(2,5) at nu=-k. We then display, in a learn-by-example approach, some of the puzzling properties and structures of these lambda extensions: for an infinite set of (algebraic) values of lambda these power series become algebraic functions, and for a finite set of (rational) values of lambda they become D-finite functions, more precisely polynomials (of different degrees) in the complete elliptic integrals of the first and second kind K and E. For generic values of lambda these power series are not D-finite, they are differentially algebraic. For an infinite number of other (rational) values of lambda these power series are globally bounded series, thus providing an example of an infinite number of globally bounded differentially algebraic series. Finally, taking the example of a product of two diagonal two-point correlation functions, we suggest that many more families of non-linear ODEs of the Painleve type remain to be discovered on the two-dimensional Ising model, as well as their structures, and in particular their associated lambda extensions. The question of their possible reduction, after complicated transformations, to Okamoto sigma forms of Painleve VI remains an extremely difficult challenge.