Aim: The present study was undertaken to assess the fish biodiversity in buffer zone of rivers of the Dampa Tiger Reserve, Mizoram, India and to evaluate whether the protected river area provides some benefits to riverine fish biodiversity. Methodology: Surveys were conducted in different Rivers including the buffer zone of Dampa Tiger Reserve during the period of November, 2013 to May, 2014 and October, 2019. Fishes were caught using different fishing nets and gears. Collected fish specimens were identified to the lowest possible taxon using taxonomic keys. Specimens were deposited to the Pachhunga University College Museum of Fishes (PUCMF) and some specimens to Zoological Survey of India (ZSI) Kolkata. Shannon-Wiener diversity index was calculated. Result: A total of 50 species belonging to 6 orders, 18 families and 34 genera were collected. The order Cypriniformes dominated the collections comprising 50% of the total fish species collected. The survey resulted in the description of 2 new fish species, viz. Pethia rutila and Channa aurantipectoralis; 2 new records from India viz., Badis rhabdotus and Psilorhynchus rahmani; one new record from Mizoram viz., Dermogenys sp. and two new records from the Karnaphuli drainage viz., Garra nigricollis and Schistura paucireticulata. The result revealed high diversity of fish species with diversity index of 3.78. Interpretation: The high ichthyofaunal diversity was observed, in this study, revealed the importance of the Dampa Tiger Reserve. The protected area could be important for conservation and management of fish diversity in the region, especially for resident and threatened species.