In heterogeneous distributed computing systems like cloud computing, the problem of mapping tasks to resources is a major issue which can have much impact on system performance. For some reasons such as heterogeneous and dynamic features and the dependencies among requests, task scheduling is known to be a NP-complete problem. In this paper, we proposed a hybrid heuristic method (HSGA) to find a suitable scheduling for workflow graph, based on genetic algorithm in order to obtain the response quickly moreover optimizes makespan, load balancing on resources and speedup ratio. At first, the HSGA algorithm makes tasks prioritization in complex graph considering their impact on others, based on graph topology. This technique is efficient to reduction of completion time of application. Then, it merges Best-Fit and Round Robin methods to make an optimal initial population to obtain a good solution quickly, and apply some suitable operations such as mutation to control and lead the algorithm to optimized solution. This algorithm evaluates the solutions by considering efficient parameters in cloud environment. Finally, the proposed algorithm presents the better results with increasing number of tasks in application graph in contrast with other studied algorithms.