The first book about Turkish literature history "Della letteratura dei Turchi" was published in Venice in 1688 by G. B. Donaldo. And the first book about Turkish literature history published in Turkey was Tarih-i Edebiyat-i, Osmaniye (1888) by Abdulhalim Memduh. Two centuries in between the two books show us how far the task of writing a literature history book in Turkish has been delayed. There are only eight books written about the history of literature in the last 34 years of Ottoman-period. In some of these books, folk literature has been subject to offensive expressions, and has not even been counted as a literary material. Books of literature history written with such mentality did not take the folkloric elements into consideration at all. The most extreme of this kind has been Tarih-i Edebiyat-t Osmaniye (1911, 1913) by Failc Resat. However, folk literature has been considered as an indicator of nationality in some literature history books. Yeni Osmanli, Tarih-i Edebiyatt (1914) written by Sahabettin Sfileyman and Koprifitizade Mehmet Fuat has been a milestone that stands as a work adopting this approach. Folkloric materials have been quite important in these books. And the most extreme of such books has been Tiirk Edebiyatt Tarihi (1920) by KoprUltizade Mehmet Fuat. In the books written about the history cif literature in the Ottoman period, opinions about the folk literature have been put for.ward rather with emphasis on the syllabic meter, which is linked with the cultural grounds created by the movement of National Literature. Some authors, poets and intellectuals following this movement turned to folk literature taking it as a model on a quest for nationalization. With the proclamation of the Republic, folk literature started to be seen as a source of inspiration leading to modern literature. Thereby, attacks on Divan Literature, which continued since the time of Namik Kemal and also reflected to the literature histories, came to an end in the hands of the folk literature.