The generation of regular and irregular past tense verbs has been an important issue in cognitive science and has been used to advance different models of the organization of language in the brain. The dual-system view holds that the regular past tense forms are generated by a rule while irregular forms are retrieved from memory. The single-system view, on the other hand, holds that both forms are generated by a single integrated system and differ only in their reliance on factors such as phonology and semantics. We conducted an event-related fMRI study to examine the activation patterns associated with the generation and reading of regular and irregular past tense forms, in addition to the reading of their stems. Regular and irregular past tense generation activated similar brain regions compared to the reading of their respective stems. The areas activated more for irregular generation comto regular generation included inferior frontal, precentral, and parietal regions bilaterally. This activation can be interpreted as reflecting the greater attentional and response selection demands of irregular generation. Compared to irregular generation, regular generation activated a small region in the left superior temporal gyrus when the regular and irregular past tense forms were mismatched on phonological complexity. No areas were more activated for regulars than irregulars when the past tense forms were matched on this variable. This suggests that the activation specific to regulars was related to the higher phonological complexity of their past tense forms rather than to their generation. A contrast of the reading of regular and irregular past tense forms was consistent with this hypothesis. These results support a single-system account of past tense generation.
UCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
MRC Cognit & Brain Sci Unit, Cambridge, EnglandUCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
Holland, Rachel
Brindley, Lisa
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Cardiff Univ, Brain Res Imaging Ctr, Cardiff CF10 3AX, S Glam, Wales
MRC Cognit & Brain Sci Unit, Cambridge, EnglandUCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
Brindley, Lisa
Shtyrov, Yury
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
MRC Cognit & Brain Sci Unit, Cambridge, EnglandUCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
Shtyrov, Yury
Pulvermueller, Friedemann
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Free Univ Berlin, Dept Philosophy, D-14195 Berlin, Germany
MRC Cognit & Brain Sci Unit, Cambridge, EnglandUCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
Pulvermueller, Friedemann
Patterson, Karalyn
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h-index: 0
Univ Cambridge, Dept Clin Neurosci, Cambridge, England
MRC Cognit & Brain Sci Unit, Cambridge, EnglandUCL, Inst Cognit Neurosci, London WC1N 3AR, England
Sheffield Hallam Univ, Coll Hlth Wellbeing & Life Sci, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, EnglandSheffield Hallam Univ, Coll Hlth Wellbeing & Life Sci, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
Shafizadeh, Mohsen
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Parvinpour, Shahab
Balali, Marzie
论文数: 0引用数: 0
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Islamic Azad Univ, Fac Phys Educ & Sport Sci, Cent Tehran Branch, Tehran, IranSheffield Hallam Univ, Coll Hlth Wellbeing & Life Sci, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England
Balali, Marzie
Shabani, Mohsen
论文数: 0引用数: 0
h-index: 0
Islamic Azad Univ, Fac Phys Educ & Sport Sci, Cent Tehran Branch, Tehran, IranSheffield Hallam Univ, Coll Hlth Wellbeing & Life Sci, Sheffield, S Yorkshire, England