The study area is located in the Bolkar mountains which are part of the Tauride platform, includes lower Paleozoic to Upper Cretaceous recrystallized limestone, dolomite, marble, and calc-schist. The deposits hosted in the Upper Triassic Bolkar Mountains carbonate rock and structurally controlled by E-W/36-45 S faulted, younger fault and related karstification. Primary sulfide ores are observed between the contact of quartz porphyry and carbonate rocks and in the fault breccia. After the primary mineralization occured in the contact between carbonate and quartz porphyry, second mineralization which formed of the oxidation of the primary sufide minerals and settlement it in the fracture and karst cavity. Ore minerals which in occur as fractures and karst fills, observed two main groups as sulfide and oxide / hydroxide. Sulfide minerals are galena, sphalerite, tetrahedrite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, boulanjerit, pyrrhotite, linneit and millerite. Oxide and hydroxide minerals are pyrolusite, psilomelane, manganite, chalcophanite, cerusite, anglesite, covellite, goethite, lepidokrokit, hemimorphite, perovskite, mimetit and korkit, rutile, magnetite, chromite. These paragenesis indicate that origin of the deposit develeped in the oxidation-cementation zone as a result of supergene enrichment.