One of the widely used methods for modeling matrix-fracture fluid exchange in naturally fractured reservoirs is dual porosity approach. In this type of modeling, matrix blocks are regarded as sources/sinks in the fracture network medium. The rate of fluid transfer from matrix blocks into fracture medium may be modeled using shape factor concept (Warren and Root, SPEJ 3:245-255, 1963); or the rate-time solution is directly derived for the specific matrix geometry (de Swaan, SPEJ 16:117-122, 1976). Numerous works have been conducted to study matrix-fracture fluid exchange for slightly compressible fluids (e.g. oil). However, little attention has been taken to systems containing gas (compressible fluid). The objective of this work is to develop explicit rate-time solutions for matrix-fracture fluid transfer in systems containing single phase gas. For this purpose, the governing equation describing flow of gas from matrix block into fracture system is linearized using pseudopressure and pseudotime functions. Then, the governing equation is solved under specific boundary conditions to obtain an implicit relation between rate and time. Since rate calculations using such an implicit relation need iterations, which may be computationally inconvenient, an explicit rate-time relation is developed with the aid of material balance equation and several specific assumptions. Also, expressions are derived for average pseudopressure in matrix block. Furthermore, simplified solutions (originated from the complex general solutions) are introduced applicable in infinite and finite acting flow periods in matrix. Based on the derived solutions, expressions are developed for shape factor. An important observation is that the shape factor for gas systems is the same as that of oil bearing matrix blocks. Subsequently, a multiplier is introduced which relates rate to matrix pressure instead of matrix pseudopressure. Finally, the introduced equations are verified using a numerical simulator.