Three Serbian traditional dry-fermented sausages,Sremski kulen(S),Lemeski kulen(L) andPetrovacka kobasica(P), were compared for physicochemical, biochemical and microbiological properties, in order to provide complex overview of their quality and safety. The sausages were produced and analyzed within two production seasons in traditional practice. Water activity, color, texture and proximate composition varied significantly (P < 0.05), particularly due to moisture, protein and fat content, what indicated differences in basic formulation of raw sausage mixture, type of casing and some technological procedures. Based on the fatty acid profile the most favorable PUFA/SFA ratio was obtained in sausage P (0.68), while the obtained results for acid value (15.2-22.4 mg KOH/g lipid) and TBARS value (0.27-0.55 mg malondialdyde/kg) indicated low level of lipid degradation and oxidation in all samples. Regarding the microbial and biogenic amines (BA) analysis, positive outcome of this research is the total absence of all pathogenic microorganisms examined, while the registered levels of BA showed a great variability among the sausages. In particular, total BA content in L attained level that is approx. 50% higher than the recommended one. Hence, special care should be implemented regarding the future production and consumption of this type of sausage. Overall results of this study may be useful to define complete distinctive features of these sausages, to determine relations among them, as well as to improve some phases of traditional manufacturing process.