Objectives: To gain a better understanding of the effects the COVID-19 pandemic has had on current and future pediatric otolaryngology fellowship training, as well as how the application process was impacted this past year. Methods: An anonymous web-based survey consisting of 24 questions was sent to all fellowship directors. The survey questions were designed to gain a better understanding of the effects of the current COVID-19 pandemic on the surgical and clinical experience of current, to characterize the types of supplemental educational experiences that fellowship directors had incorporated into the curriculum to compensate for the decreased surgical and clinical workload, and highlight differences based on geographic location. Results: Overall, 22 of 36 fellowship directors responded to our survey, for a total response rate of 61%. The Midwest had the highest response rate at 72.7%, followed by the Northeast (71.4%), the West (50%), and the South (50%). The vast majority of fellowship directors (77.2%) reported the COVID-19 pandemic had a "significant impact" on overall pediatric otolaryngology fellowship training. 86.3% of fellowship directors reported that their programs were still performing some surgical operations, but with decreased overall volume. Interestingly, 13.6% of fellowship directors reported that their fellows had been pulled to medicine or ICU services to assist with the COVID-19 pandemic. Of these programs that had a fellow pulled to the ICU or medicine service, 2 out of 3 were located in the Northeast, with the remaining fellow being from a program in the South. Conclusion: Overall, pediatric otolaryngology fellowship directors reported the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the overall fellowship experience within the field of pediatric otolaryngology, with the majority feeling that both their fellows surgical and clinical experience have been significantly impacted.