This case-control study, conducted in Zhejiang, China during 1999-2000, investigated whether dietary factors have an aetiological association with ovarian cancer, Cases were 254 patients with histologically confirmed epithelial ovary cancer. The 652 controls comprised 340 hospital visitors, 261 non-neoplasm hospital outpatients without long-term diet modifications and 51 women recruited from the community, A validated food frequency questionnaire was used to measure the habitual diet of cases and controls. The risks of ovarian cancer for the dietary factors were assessed by adjusted odds ratios based on multivariate logistic regression analysis. accounting for potential confounding demographic, lifestyle, familial factors and hormonal status. family ovarian cancer history and total energy intake, The ovarian cancer risk declined with increasing consumption of vegetables and fruits but vice versa with high intakes of animal fat and salted vegetables, The adjusted upper quartile odds ratio compared to the lower quartile was 0.24 (0.1 - 0.5) for vegetables, 0.36 (0.2 - 0.7) for fruits, 4.6 (2.2 - 9.3) for animal fat and 3.4 (2.0 - 5.8) for preserved (salted) vegetables with significant dose-response relationship. The risk of ovarian cancer also appeared to increase for those women preferring fat, fried, cured and smoked food. (C) 2002 Cancer Research UK.