In the Republic of Korea, a health-promoting physical activity policy model have never been proposed in the health care professions, although the Health Plan 2020 has been updated recently. Using the physical activity policy model from leading countries, an opinion survey of health care practitioners and researchers was performed in July of 2011. The results reflected the Korean situation. Some environmental and informational approaches were commonly suggested. For national policy, community-wide campaigns, school-based enhancement of physical education, and the creation of physical activity infrastructure and facilities were universally suggested. For regional policy, enhanced access to places for physical activity combined with information out-reach activities, social support interventions, and facilities for independent walking were suggested. Participants did not approve of the reduction of insurance rates for active and fit persons highly especially among researches. The opinions of researchers were more realistic and conservative than those of practitioners. The opinions about national policy and regional policy were somewhat different. For the Korean medical profession, research and development on the specific subjects prioritized from this survey are needed to develop evidence-based Korean policies for health-promoting physical activity.