Purpose: To explore the psychosocial needs of cancer patients and survivors across the United States and their implications for value-based oncology. Design: A secondary analysis of findings from a cross-sectional national online survey. Sample: Respondents were sampled and stratified by cancer type and geographic region to approximate the cancer-affected population of the United States. Breast, prostate, and colorectal were the most common cancers reported. Across surveys, the majority of respondents were female (57%), over 55 (60%), and white (70%) and had at least some college (36%). Methods: Six online surveys were administered to cohorts of approximately 500 unique cancer patients and survivors. Survey topics included: (1) diagnosis, (2) treatment planning, (3) communication with providers, (4) insurance and financial concerns, (5) quality of life, side effects, and symptoms, and (6) survivorship and end-of-life. Descriptive analyses were used to explore psychosocial needs and experiences across three domains of patient-centered value in oncology. Findings: Each survey received 500-527 responses. Respondents most commonly reported needing more information regarding their insurance coverage and out-of-pocket costs (65%), access to clinical trials (89%), and support organizations (45%). Forty-one percent were very or extremely distressed about cancer's impact on their ability to work and over 25% reported high-levels of cancer-related financial hardship. Conclusions: Patients and survivors reported significant unmet informational needs, financial hardship, distress, and symptoms or treatment side effects that interfered with daily life.