In this paper, based on Renyi permutation entropy (RPE), which has been recently suggested as a relative measure of complexity in nonlinear systems, we propose multiscale Renyi permutation entropy (MRPE) and weighted multiscale Renyi permutation entropy (WMRPE) to quantify the complexity of nonlinear time series over multiple time scales. First, we apply MPRE and WMPRE to the synthetic data and make a comparison of modified methods and RPE. Meanwhile, the influence of the change of parameters is discussed. Besides, we interpret the necessity of considering not only multiscale but also weight by taking the amplitude into account. Then MRPE and WMRPE methods are employed to the closing prices of financial stock markets from different areas. By observing the curves of WMRPE and analyzing the common statistics, stock markets are divided into 4 groups: (1) DJI, S&P500, and HSI, (2) NASDAQ and FTSE100, (3) DAX40 and CAC40, and (4) ShangZheng and ShenCheng. Results show that the standard deviations of weighted methods are smaller, showing WMRPE is able to ensure the results more robust. Besides, WMPRE can provide abundant dynamical properties of complex systems, and demonstrate the intrinsic mechanism. (C) 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.