Primary signet-ring cell/histiocytoid carcinomas of the eyelid are extremely rare tumors considered to originate from sweat glands. Here, we report the case of a 72-year-old man diagnosed with primary signet-ring cell/histiocytoid carcinoma of the eyelid and present immunohistochemical analyses of the eyelid apocrine gland (Moll gland) and apocrine and eccrine sweat glands of perineum and axilla. Widespread infiltration of tumor cells with signet-ring cell or histiocytoid appearance was observed in his left eyelid, orbit, and periocular lesion. Tumor cells expressed mucins and showed immunoreactivity that was similar to that of the Moll gland: MUC6 (+), GlcNAc alpha 1 -> 4Gal -> R(-), MUC2(-), MUC5AC(-), GCDFP15(+), CD15(+), S100(-), CK7(+), CK20(-), ER(+), PgR (+), HER2(-), E-cadherin(+), p63(-), PSA(-), and TTF-1(-). The tumor cells differed from those of perineal and axillary apocrine and eccrine sweat glands, which were MUC6(-). The Moll gland was ER(-) and PgR(-), whereas perineal and axillar apocrine sweat glands were ER(+) and PgR(+), and perineal and axillary eccrine sweat glands were ER(+) and PgR(-). The tumor showed characteristics similar to that of the eyelid Moll gland, which is demonstrated to be an apocrine gland with a protein expression distinct from that of other apocrine glands. MUC6 and GCDFP15 expression are useful in identifying the Moll gland immunophenotype and GCDFP15, ER and PgR expression are useful in distinguishing primary eyelid signet-ring/histocytoid carcinoma from gastrointestinal malignancies.