Family evidence-based interventions are the most effective when implemented with other youth-only school/community prevention approaches and increase the effect sizes for positive outcomes in predictors variables. Unfortunately, several studies report high cost/benefits from such practices. However, it has been found effective the use of technology intervention (CD, DVD, MP3, YouTube, Apps, among others) for family intervention programs delivery and dissemination and for reduce delivery costs. In this study, a systematic review was developed consulting Medline, Pubmed, PsycINFo and Conchrane electronic databases, for the reference period 1989 onward. Revision articles, metaanalysis and empiric research, about "family/parental evidence-based programs", "technologies", "CD/DVD use" or other technologies such as "MP3" and "Apps", were included in the 42 papers that emerged from the search. In these papers, we identified 29 family/parental evidence-based programs, but only 9 reported the use of technologies and were analysed in our study. The literature review showed more positive outcomes in using technologies in family intervention by comparison with programs traditional format, highlighting the studies about the implementation of Parenting Wisely, Parents Who Care, Mother and Daughters, Triple P, Functional Family Therapy, Multidimensional Family Therapy, Strengthening Families Program-CD/DVD version and web-delivery online. Promising results suggest that family interventions' cost/benefit ratios can be increased using digital delivery (e.g., DVD) to create a broader public and promotion health impact, through the use of technology-based intervention for delivery and dissemination of family evidence-based programs.