Malko, Alexander V. [1 ,2 ]
Lipinsky, Dmitrii A. [3 ]
Markunin, Roman S. [4 ,5 ]
[1] All Russian State Univ Justice, RPA Minist Justice Russia, Volga Inst, 55 Radishcheva Ul, Saratov 410003, Russia
[2] Togliatti State Univ, 14 Belorusskaya Ul, Tolyatti 445056, Russia
[3] Togliatti State Univ, Dept Theory & Hist State & Law, 14 Belorusskaya Ul, Tolyatti 445056, Russia
[4] Saratov State Law Acad, 1 Volskaya Ul, Saratov 410056, Russia
[5] Saratov State Law Acad, Dept Theory State & Law, 1 Volskaya Ul, Saratov 410056, Russia
Legal responsibility; sense of justice; state body; legal culture; corruption; conflict; offense; duty;
D9 [法律]; DF [法律];
0301 ;
The subject of the study of the article is the legal foundations of the institution of legal responsibility and the features of its interaction with legal consciousness and legal culture. The goal is to substantiate the need for effective legal regulation of legal liability, taking into account the existing forms of interaction with legal consciousness. The work carried out a comprehensive general theoretical analysis of the institution of legal responsibility and its role in the process of formation and development of the legal consciousness of citizens. The team of authors in the process of studying the place and role of legal liability in the legal system came to the conclusion that there is a relationship between the category under consideration and legal consciousness in the process of implementing legal acts that provide for measures of legal liability. The problem of a low level of legal culture can manifest itself not only in legislative and law enforcement activities. Shortcomings in the implementation of the official interpretation of legal norms and execution of the relevant act in some cases can also cause unlawful consequences, among which are: unlawful prosecution, exemption from liability in violation of established procedures, etc. In the course of the study, a whole set of methods of scientific knowledge was used, among which one can single out: the formal-legal method, the method of comparative legal analysis, systemic, dialectical and others. As a result of the research, it was found that there is a direct connection between the signs of positive responsibility and legal consciousness. In the absence of a high level of legal awareness, which would include both intellectual (views, ideas) and psychological (emotions, feelings) aspects, the implementation of the positive aspect of legal responsibility becomes impossible. It has been proven that positive responsibility, together with legal consciousness, contains volitional and intellectual aspects. The team of authors put forward an opinion according to which the positive responsibility of the individual can be represented as a mental attitude in the form of a sense of duty and the need to fulfill the existing duties to the required extent. Such a sense of duty will be available to the subject only in the absence of a struggle of motives, which is excluded in the developed general legal culture of the individual and society as a whole. Assimilation of the requirements of the law is a prerequisite for the presence of responsible behavior and legal awareness. Based on the results of the study of legal responsibility and legal culture, a conclusion is made about the close interaction of these categories and the need for the legislator to take into account such a connection when exercising his law-making powers. A brief description of positive legal liability with the establishment of its characteristic features is also given. Thanks to the study of the relationship between legal responsibility and legal consciousness, it was revealed that the level of culture will grow if the ideas of social justice, democracy and the rule of law are reflected in law.
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