A realization is emerging that fossil fuels will be exhausted before long. Global warming is a concern around the world. We have to change our consumption-intensive living space itself. Meanwhile, solar energy is astonishing and freely available. There is direct, reflected and diffused light that is surrounding us. How do we maximize solar energy harvest to obtain sustainable energies? Kyosemi provides new surface structuring technology through our featured product of Sphelar (R) to capture sunlight 3 dimensionally, thus improves its power generation capacity to maximum potential. The incident light from every direction can be attributed for generating electricity, so that the optimum conversion efficiency is attained. 3D light capture allows the harvest of most of the global solar radiation. Further, Sphelar (R) cells are compact and durable and what is more recyclable. Sphelar (R) cells can be connected in series or in parallel. So, any voltage and current can be tailored. Such features are very suitable for mobile applications. They have high pliability to fit in various types of module such as see-through, flexible, irregular shape, etc. Many applications of semi-transparent modules can be envisaged, eg sound barriers, building facades, and power-producing windows. It should be noted that Sphelar (R) module is not just a power producing element, but a multifunctional building element. They are esthetically very pleasing. Through its Sphelar (R) business, Kyosemi hopes to contribute to the construction of living space in the 21(st) century.