This research analyses the pronominal system of Soikkola Ingrian. The main goal of the article is descriptive, because existing publications on Soikkola Ingrian give only a superficial analysis of pronouns and there are no detailed descriptions based on data from the 21st century. The article focuses on both interspeaker and intraspeaker variation in four groups of Ingrian pronouns: personal, demonstrative, reflexive and reciprocal. The field data collected by the authors in the 21st century are compared with the data presented in grammars written in the 19th and 20th centuries. The research concludes that although the pronominal system has not changed significantly, there are a number of innovations in Ingrian pronominal forms and their variation. The most frequent type of variation is the variation between individual speakers, but not between sub-dialectal groups. Free variation is also common, while other types of variation are less relevant.